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empower: our community

CPC aims to empower all members of our Panhellenic community through leadership development and extracurricular involvement. Share our deep sense of community by learning more about our recognition, philanthropic efforts, and role in the fraternity and sorority life community at large.

"Membership in the Panhellenic community is a membership unlike any other. While we are unified in our specific chapter's philanthropies, missions, and goals, we are all working together to also support the mission of Circle of Sisterhood. Once you wear the letters you are initiated in, you wear those letters for a lifetime. A membership in the Southern Miss College Panhellenic community is truly like none other. This is a place to find your home , your forever friends, your family, and connections that will last a lifetime."

College Panhellenic Council (CPC)


INSTAGRAM: @southernmisscpc

FACEBOOK: Southern Miss College Panhellenic Council

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Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life


118 College Dr. #5008

Hattiesburg, MS 39406

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